Monday, June 30, 2008


Diaper Dave and Larry the Wide Stance Guy team up to desecrate irony's long-dead corpse again, this time for them fambly valyews.

Two United States Senators implicated in extramarital sexual activity have named themselves as co-sponsors of S. J. RES. 43, dubbed the Marriage Protection Amendment. If ratified, the bill would amend the United States Constitution to state that marriage “shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.” Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), who was arrested June 11, 2007 on charges of lewd conduct in a Minneapolis airport terminal, is co-sponsoring the amendment along with Sen. David Vitter (R-LA).

Wonder if Larry was back in the stall looking for anniversary trade a couple weeks ago. But hey, as long as Mesdames Craig and Vitter are cool with this ridiculous horseshit, who are we to snicker uncontrollably? The only people these cocksuckers are fooling are the ones who want (need) to be fooled in the first place. They deserve each other. Thanks girls. I consider my marriage protected at long last.

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