Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fightin' Words

As a general rule, the Sunday morning schmuckfests are not on the viewing schedule, but the wife likes the CBS Sunday Morning show, and until football season starts, there's rarely anything worth enduring on the however many dozens of channels I have on the DirecTV. So it was that we happened to let it go into Face the Nation, where I instantly noticed the supposedly intemperate remarks of Wes Clark vis-à-vis John McCain as being accurate for one thing, and automatically controversial for another.

Since almost no Republicans other than McCain and Chuck Hagel have actually served in combat duty, especially during Vietnam, they have long cultivated this phony-tough, crazy-brave veneer for themselves, and hung a Superman cape upon all matters military, persons and objects alike. And since the media weasels are by and large skittish herd animals, many of whom have built up their mancrushes on McCain in print and video, they have a personal investment in things, and are not about to backtrack.

So it is that Clark's fairly tepid and obvious comment is utilized by the very same party who had the fucking balls to dismiss and betray John Kerry's combat service, even as they ran the two draft-dodging incumbents. And so it is that a lazy, coddled, incompetent political media corps -- every one of whom should be sent to Iraq and Afghanistan for a while to help them reprioritize and maybe acquire a more meaningful skill set for their supposed profession -- finds another chew toy to occupy them for a week or so. Kerry's service did him no favors, and became fodder for professional liars. McCain's is not only sacrosanct, but his most distinct job qualification. That sounds about right.

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