Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fear and Loathing

As frustrating as emotionally needy, gang-faxing evangelicals are with their obsessive bowdlerizing of the people's airwaves, they've got nothing on self-censoring publishers, deathly (literally) terrified of antagonizing violent religious psychopaths.

This is the wrong path to take, because it legitimizes the aggression typified by, for example, the lunatic who shot and sliced up Theo van Gogh. It tells these pussy-fearing, child-raping fanatics that their tactics of intimidation work, that if they riot, cartoonists will be afraid to draw "offensive" cartoons. People should not be afraid to write books or songs, or draw cartoons. I'm surprised this even needs to be said. Yet just the shadow of their retribution becomes enough to affect behavior, which of course is just what they want.

The only way the more virulent strains are going to be housebroken is when they get that sometimes there are things in life you find deeply offensive, and that you just have to deal with it and move forward, that lashing out in psychotic fury is unacceptable. People who are willing to kill and/or die for their Imaginary Friend, regardless of which name brand of Friend, need to get over themselves, not have the rest of the planet walk around on eggshells for fear of angering them.

Better yet, if they're in such a rush to meet Allah or Jesus or whoever, what the hell are they waiting for? Go already.

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