Monday, August 25, 2008

Live Convention Blogging

I've never been able to sit through one of these things, and that hasn't changed. But there's not much else on (still waiting for The Daily Show's coverage starting tomorrow), so occasionally I'll take a break from reading and grind my loins into the screen when Norah O'Donnell appears. Takes the edge off of Olbermann's overwrought deep-throating of the whole thing. Dude's lips must be chapped by now. Take a tip from ol' Norah there, Chief, and breathe through your nose once in a while.

I did catch the very end of Michelle Obama's speech, and the big-screen family meeting with the kids and Dad and all. Very nice, especially the Stevie Wonder (Isn't She Lovely) walk-off music. Of course, I would have preferred Bring the Noise or Mama Said Knock You Out, but you can't have everything.

It'll have to do until the Republitard version, where a good chunk of the planet will likely gather before their teevees and pray aloud for the earth to sunder itself and swallow the arena whole during Cheney's selected readings from the Necronomicon. I assume he will enter and exit to the strains of O Fortuna.

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