Monday, August 11, 2008

Where the Elite Beat the Meat

Ten bucks says that when Cokie Roberts goes on vacation -- somewhere besides up her own ass, anyway -- it ain't to fuckin' Myrtle Beach. And if it is, it sure as hell isn't in some working-class area of the town, which as I've heard it from several people who have vacationed there, is primarily known for bikers and pussy during vacation season.

The ofay race-baiting from these half-assed chumps is one thing. But this constant preening "elitist" bullshit, like they can be found at your local Stuckey's working on a chicken-fried steak and home fries....beyond tedious. These people are every bit as phony as they keep trying to paint these high-falutin' pols (well, Dummycrats anyhow -- no way they're going to say anything about Saint Barbecue's seven houses and eight-figure net worth).

But then, as I always say, these assholes pretend to talk to us, but are really just talking to each other, while counting on enough of us to be dumb enough to tune and think their self-indulgent jabber means a goddamned thing.

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