Sunday, September 14, 2008


When even Faux Noise refuses to go along with your bullshit anymore, maybe you really are nothing but a straight-up lying sack, cynically counting on the coveted low-info demo not to question the fact that you are a liar, and a calculating one at that. Not only does Palin know she's full of shit, she knows that the press knows, which means she knows that a lot of people know that she's lying. And it matters not one bit to her, because words mean nothing to these people.

Carson City, Nevada –-

In her first campaign event since she left her native state of Alaska, Sarah Palin brought back some lines to her stump speech that she took out for the hometown crowds in Fairbanks and Anchorage.

She told the cheering crowd of a few thousand here that she and her running mate are reformers. To prove her maverick past she repeated an anecdote wildly told on the trail, but eliminated in Alaska. That she got rid of the Alaska Governor’s private jet and put it on EBay. She does not add that the plane did not sell on EBay and it had to be taken off the website and then sold through a broker.

She also brought back a line about one of the more infamous pork barrel projects in the country, “I told Congress thanks but no thanks on that Bridge to Nowhere and if our state wanted a bridge we would build it ourselves.”

Palin originally supported the so-called Bridge to Nowhere before it became a symbol of earmark criticism in Washington. She later said she no longer supported federal funding for the often-mocked bridge. Alaska collected the funds that would have gone to the bridge and was allowed to spend it on other projects.

Both stories are widely known in Alaska, but may not be in the “lower 48.”

I imagine at some point she'll simply stop repeating these lies, over and over again, exact same phrasing, but only when enough of the morons in the crowd stop lapping it up. And it'll never be acknowledged, that's a given.

But as irritating as it is, I hope she goes on and on and keeps repeating these lies, like the wind-up toy that she is. At some point it might even sink in to some of these people that she's (for the thousandth time) lying to them, even after Charlie Gibson basically pointed it out to her face-to-face, because they have nothing else. They have no plans, no expertise, they stand for nothing, they don't plan to do shit except continue the good times they and their friends have experienced under eight years of Dick Cheney and his bumbling sidekick.

But in the meantime, what despicable, dishonorable people Palin and McCain have truly turned out to be. This is not a "hey, we're all Americans, we can agree to disagree" narrative they're running on, this is a series of wild misrepresentations and mischaracterizations from both of them, counting on stupid people to buy what they're selling. I know, it's a "water is wet" kinda observation, but I think the only sensible tactic is to keep bringing it up, every time they do it, every time they think they're getting away with something.

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