Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cheap Talk Express

This latest episode is looking like a late-round tactic of a boxing match. Obama is holding McCain close by publicizing his efforts to communicate with McCain on the subject of the bailout, while simultaneously waiting for McCain to tack in a specific direction on it. Obama correctly realizes that if he takes the initiative, no matter what, McCain's people will demagogue and lie about it, because that's all they've got, that's all they do. Wake up, grab a cup of coffee and a danish, drop a deuce, and concoct another round of lies to fool their crowd of rapture-ready dullards with.

And in "suspending" his campaign, and lamely insisting on delaying the debate (to November 5th, one assumes), McCain has again shown the trait that makes him most unsuitable for the office he cravenly seeks. Even George Fwill, bless his pointy li'l head, notices it -- every major decision McCain has made in this campaign has come off as little more than an impulsive gambit, and this is just one more. Typically the nature of campaigning is more impetuous at times than that of governance, but McCain has been so off the charts in every respect, it appears more and more that he is simply temperamentally incapable of dialing it down sufficiently should he squeak in. This is just another cheap stunt, like schlepping Punxsutawney Palin around on her Manhattan meet-and-greet.

Someone's buying it (and I do sincerely wish that the ape in the Post comments posting the same five-year-old Times article like it means something would take a flying fuck at a rolling donut already), but for people not huffing their own methane excretions, it's just another desperate maneuver by a flailing operation with an incomprehensible set of policy positions. I don't want to just squeak by; I want to absolutely bury these bastards, and then perhaps the Democrats will be emboldened enough to grow at least one, if not a pair.

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