Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Always Sunny In Wasilladelphia

Hey, if we're gonna make this thing about petty grievances, they don't come much smaller:

This morning NarcoNews reported that that a tanning bed had been installed in the governor's official residence in 2007, sourcing a Department of Transportation employee familiar with renovations at the mansion. This evening, Politico's Ben Smith reported that Palin had paid for the tanning bed with her own money.


The news of Palin's luxurious purchase -- beds can cost as much as $35,000 -- presents a sharp contrast to the blue-collar persona she projects on the campaign trail.

Meh, whatever. It does sort of belie the blue-collar pose, but I imagine their household income is several times what blue-collar families make in the first place. It's all a lame pose, with or without the tanning bed. It's just mildly funny, is all.

You think the tanning bed's bad, wait till they find the sex dungeon in the basement.

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