Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pig in a Poke

What Obama really meant to say was that he'd never come across such a pair of whiny, butt-hurt, hypocritical bitches like this Retardlican ticket, and that their entire platform and campaign isn't worth anyone wiping their ass with. I mean, Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, can someone inform Saint Straight Talk and his crew of merry morons about Teh Google and Teh YouTube and such, that it takes about ten seconds to pull up him using the exact same pig line about Hillary Clinton?

And Obama needs to stop explaining shit like this to people. If you're explaining, you're losing the argument. Anyone asks about it, he should just give them a puzzled look and say, "Seriously?". In a more rational world, his proper rejoinder would end with "and the horse they rode in on", but anything communicating bemused contempt will suffice.

Actually, the last few days have been heartening to observe. This is the best they've got heading into the homestretch, this lame-brained American Idol shit, buncha bozos showing up to see her instead of him, even though she's explicitly not allowed to do anything but regurgitate her already shopworn one-liners from the convention? Weird "the scary negro wants to molest your kids at school" ads? Palin repeating her stock lies, which really weren't worth telling in the first place, well after they've been debunked six ways from Sunday. What are they even showing up for, really? "Do that 'hahckey mahm lipstick' joke again!", as if that wasn't old thirty years ago. It's a novelty. She might as well be biting the heads off live chickens for their amusement.

The bounce is already gone, and the bandwagon dupes won't be remember her six weeks from now, and they'll return to their original apathetic stance about him. Some of the slightly less dim planarians among them might figure out through osmosis that she's just a small-town huckster in way over her head, who doesn't really stand for or know much of anything pertinent to the job for which she's applying. Then maybe they'll at least stay the fuck home and let rational adults handle things. That, my friends, is change you can believe in.

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