Saturday, October 04, 2008

An American Cornhole

When Variety -- whose mission, let's recall, is to encourage people to go to the movies -- refuses to polish your turd, it must be a real stinker.

Poorly made indie production has a script that feels like a list of ripostes collected over the last several years to liberal criticisms of the U.S.: The whole enterprise feels far more agenda- than entertainment-driven. Talk radio and grassroots marketing have been trying to rally the B.O. troops, but target audience is more likely to check this out when they can buy it at Wal-Mart. Those with a real craving for hilariously potent anti-left propaganda will have to go back for another toke of "Team America: World Police."

All satire has to have one foot in reality. Even the exaggerations have to make some logical sense, be an extension or a metaphor for what is. That's why this stupid shit fails, because it doesn't even attempt to follow those principles of satire. It merely iterates the moronic slurs of the Bush-addled, deliberately conflating Americans who don't like what this administration has done to the country, with hating America.

Take heed, fucktards -- Bush is not America, nor vice versa. Nobody is ever going to mess with the Fourth of July, and Michael Moore is never going to be so hard up for funding (like documentaries are soooo expensive to make) that he has to be a Islamojihaditerroristicexpialidocious dupe. It just doesn't work on any level, especially the one that matters most -- it apparently even fails to be funny. Couldn't even get eighty minutes out the premise, so it's lazy as well.

It's as if a liberal tried to write a parody of conservatards by insinuating that all of them, rather than just some or many of them, are self-loathing closet cases who offer blowjobs to undercover cops in public park bathrooms, or are found erotically asphyxiated with two wetsuits and a dildo stuck in their ass. I mean, that would just be ridiculous. How can you mine a movie's worth of comedy gold out of such things?

Shit, Apatow riffs for two hours at a time on kids organizing parties and stoners knocking up hotties, and all you can get on Michael Moore and college radicals is seventy-five minutes of fat jokes? Really, can these posers do anything competently? They sound like they could fuck up a baked potato, as Mamet once put it.

Good luck with it, ladies. I'm sure the market will decide what you can do with your Paris Hilton/Gary Coleman epic, and you wouldn't have it any other way. And when it loses money and no one wants to bother with the cast members (et tu, Hopper?), it'll be because of bias of course, and not simply because they're a bunch of self-righteous assholes.

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