Friday, October 17, 2008

A Face in the Crowd

I did not watch the final debate, because life is too short. I did, however, acquaint myself with the Legend of Joe the Plumber that rapidly sprung up in its wake, and the first thing that came to mind was, damn, these guys are so incompetent, they can't even get a simple snake-oil ringer scam right. It failed the smell test almost instantly; it was, as we say in the 'hood, D.O.A.

Just a suggestion for the dopes and hacks driving the Cheap Talk Express over an electoral cliff -- when you're concocting your next idiotic campaign stunt, try to pick someone whose name isn't so easily Googled, someone whose politics aren't quite so blockheaded and reactionary....and someone who isn't loosely connected to a guy who did time in the Keating Five scandal. Do these people vet anybody?

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