Friday, October 17, 2008

Flag Hags

Will the talk-radio/ClownHall/Freeper asswipes apologize for yet again not having any clue what they're talking about? I think it's more likely that this Bob Grant character invests in a higher-quality rug. I assumed the last of those you-can-practically-see-the-price-tag-hanging-from-it toupées went to the grave with Howard Cosell. Maybe Paul Harvey bought the last gross and shares them with his more spongeworthy friends on the retard-radio circuit.

I love how Grant claims to not want to "overdramatize", and then does precisely that, again investing far more in the notion that Obama defaced the American flag for his own marketing purposes, than he will in setting his own egregious error straight. Epic fail, Bob, epic fuckin' fail.

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