Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Groupie Routine

Here's a news flash: the narcissistic dingbats clustering around doughboy wife-killer Drew Peterson -- women half his age who ordinarily would assume he's a skeevy perv -- have daddy and self-esteem issues.

The lure of bad boys is nothing new. From serial killers to convicted wife killers such as Scott Peterson, the most heinous criminals in our society are never short on fascinated groupies.

Of course there is also the problem of fame being largely indistinguishable from notoriety, or simply being well-known, in this culture. And this is strictly a one-way phenomenon, gender-wise -- men are not writing female killers in prison with offers of marriage, nor would men be clustering around some suspected "merry widow" type, unless she happened to be hot or rich. It may be a more mercenary approach, but at least it makes more sense, and unlike Peterson's potential paramours, they're not putting themselves in harm's way.

The "bad boy" thing has always cracked me up; since I was in several bands and rode motorcycles right out of high school, I tended to get some of those "bad boy" groupies. I certainly didn't discourage it. But the women who wanted the real "fuck 'em and chuck 'em" type of bad boy, guys with deep-seated substance abuse and impulse control issues, then wondered why they were treated like shit, I avoided those broads like the plague. They're nuts. They look for a certain type that, in their weird low-self-esteem mindset, they think they can "change". This is already a signal; who the hell wants to be with someone they think they need to change in the first place?

Thumbnail analyses are always troubling to begin with, because of the potential for broad-brushing. Most women obviously have more sense than to pursue someone like Drew Peterson, or to marry Richard Ramirez. But the women who are that deluded, they don't need some sob-sister nonsense about how their childhood fucked them up. Everyone's childhood fucks them up one way or another; the key is what they do with it, whether they choose to perpetuate their issues, or to grow the hell up and move on. Someone needs to grab these women by the shoulders and ask them what they're thinking.


  1. Great post! Please check out my satirical letters to convicted murderer, Scott Peterson:

  2. Oh god. That's pretty funny.
