Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Strip Maul

Here we go again. Palestinians, tired of being herded into "refugee camps" for multiple generations and treated like chattel, bait Israel into its usual overreaction shuffle. Neither side has been as much of a good-faith negotiator as they would like to portray themselves, but then nobody ever is. Why we insist on continuing to involve ourselves in their endless pas de deux is beyond me.

If every country in the region -- including Israel -- could be persuaded to take an equal share of Gazans in, that might be a start toward actual "peace", a condition which while poorly defined, should be recognizable because no one is truly happy with it, but violence is quelled all the same. Failing that, it'd be cheaper to build a harbor and a bunch of casinos along the Gaza Strip, and let them get on with what they've got. Hamas is never going to stop baiting Israel, Israel is never not going to respond disproportionately to provocation, and we're never going to stop supplying them with F-16's to do it with. Might as well go with what you got.

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