Sunday, January 04, 2009

Dynasty of Fail

Maybe it's time someone pulled Poppy Bush aside and explained to him that the country has better things to do these days -- thanks to the epic incompetence of his eldest son -- than employ the rest of his idiot brood. Isn't that what the Moonies are for?

The fucking balls on this guy, really. Between the headlong rush into feckless war and incoherent dithering during disasters -- financial Katrinas as well as meteorological -- there's a decent case to be made that nobody named Bush should ever hold public office again, even if they aren't related to these chumps, just to be safe. This cheap attempt to burnish a non-existent legacy is pathetic. Yes, we have not been attacked on US soil by terrorists since 9/11. But that's because Junior made it unnecessary for them to do so.

And sooner than any of the legacy-strokers seem to realize, the perception will become more realistic. Energy security and financial security are national security, and on those measures we have been attacked, and we are unsafe and unstable because of it. Except this time around, the entire nation is New Orleans. All we need now is for Ma to tour a squatter camp or an empty commercial lot and remark how well things have turned out for those people, since they don't pay rent on their cardboard box, and commercial space is so much cheaper, since no one has money to buy anything anymore.

So yeah, maybe we could take a break from this insufferable clan of swells for a while, what say? Heckuva job, Poppy.

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