Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Big Bong Theory

What this guy said. If anyone's earned the right to burn one once in a while, it's Michael Phelps. I trust that none of the goofballs criticizing him for his recreational activities have ever tried Teh Pot (or any other illicit drug), driven after too many cocktails, gotten drunk and stupid at a public event, done anything that would not be a good example for The Children.

As for using Phelps as a motivational speaker, we're talking about an industry that deploys humps like Giuliani and Trump as paragons of human endeavor. They should be so lucky as to tap in to whatever compels Phelps to train eight hours a day, while he must eat a 10,000-calorie per day diet just to maintain his weight.

Of all the things this country really needs to grow up about -- sex, religion, money, food, intellectualism -- drugs is at or near the top, a profoundly hypocritical and moralizing posture that needlessly harms far more people than it can ever save from themselves.

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