Thursday, February 26, 2009

Children of the Porn

This being America, it was bound to happen: unnecessarily famous embryo-farmer Nadya Suleman has gotten the offer of a lifetime. You have to hand it to the porn industry, there is utterly zero pretense or irony about them. They are impossible to parody, they are impervious to caricature.

And it might be the first time Suleman earned an honest living.


  1. I offered the same deal to the Duggars, but had to withdraw it after they told me what kinda movie they wanted to make...keeee-rist, even I have some standards of decency, and I've made muppett snuff films.
    They wanted to call it "The Aristocrats."

  2. But why? She's a frankly-not-very-attractive temporary celebrity; who would care enough to spend a Saturday night watching her get it on? Sad to say, I could understand it appealing to the fetish crowd if she had done a film while her belly was extended like she was carrying a baby hippo, since apparently those people watch videos of guys fucking 500lb. women or of 90 year-olds doing it.

    Not that I would know of the existence of such things, that is. A, um, friend told me about them. He's a real sick bastard, that one.
