Saturday, March 21, 2009

Deep Thought

Apparently folks are no longer allowed to drive or shop without yapping into a fucking cell phone.


  1. Doesn't it make you feel old when you realize that only about fifteen or so years ago, hardly anyone used one?

    Yeah, the spectacle frequently reminds me why I hate people so much -- they simply never SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Nothing whatsoever to say and determined to use a million words to say it with. Their thoughts - such as they are - never have time to develop into anything interesting because they just come tumbling out of their mouths as soon as they hatch in their brains.

  2. They may be annoying (in fact, they are), but they're still not as dangerous as the morons who text while they drive. Those assholes could kill you with their stupidity.

    The rise of cell phones has been a double puzzle to me. In the land that supposedly invented privacy rights, every single last fucking douche with a mobile is eager to recount his tedious, meaningless daily life and "thoughts" within earsight of everybody around him. The second is the fact that, as America collectively gets worse at spelling, a large chunk of it moves toward txting -- writing in gibberish what you could communicate by just making a phone call.

  3. Nothing whatsoever to say and determined to use a million words to say it with.

    Yes, this. The conversations one overhears in the stores are never, "Oh, I'm at the Costco and just wanted to double-check that you didn't want me to pick something up," something useful like that. It's just inane crap, people too bored to just waddle in, find their case of Diet Spaghetti-O's, and go hang out with their friends in person.

    Instead they inflict their personal conversations on the rest of the world, not paying fucking attention in the process. That's what bothers me more than their solipsism, is that they don't watch where they're fucking going. The next dipshit that walks off leaving their cart blocking the aisle in front of me is going to lose a vital organ.

    They may be annoying (in fact, they are), but they're still not as dangerous as the morons who text while they drive.

    That should be an automatic suspension of license, seriously. That's fucking bullshit. And yes, they are never, ever texting anything that important, it's just tedious gossip better saved for a pajama party.

    Or a blog.
