Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dumb and Dumber

Which is worse: octogenarian virgins dispensing sex advice, or people taking that advice? There's no winning a quality-of-life argument with a deeply closeted (therefore self-loathing), deeply hypocritical faction, the official rhetoric of which has frequently alluded to the concept of suffering being a celestial gift, an opportunity to seek redemption (or something).

There could be 6 billion AIDS-riddled inhabitants dying on top of one another in Africa alone, and the church would still insist on preserving the sanctity of every tadpole. Not exactly a secret. Perhaps dealing with them accordingly might be in order for a change. The idea that legitimacy is automatically conferred just because of longevity is unnecessary, and frequently cruel in practice. The club is not going to change its rules to satisfy dissenters unless the coffers start dwindling.

The only thing more irritating than the pope being a jerk is people asking why the pope has to be a jerk, instead of why they're still listening to him in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. The club is not going to change its rules to satisfy dissenters unless the coffers start dwindling.


    The Catholic church has no problem with evolution, something that freaks out Protestant fundamentalists. On the other hand, the Catholic church freaks out about a couple of inches of latex, but Protestant fundamentalists just sort of shrug.

    That's the beauty of dogma.
