Sunday, April 12, 2009

Get Over Yourself

He's a decent enough actor and comes across as fairly reg'lar on his Dinner for Five appearance, but apparently this hapless interviewer caught ol' Billy Bob when his Aunt Flo was visiting. If I had been the interviewer and someone had talked like that to me, I don't care who the fuck they are, I'd have cut it dead right there.

And, you know, Tom Petty seems like a nice enough guy and has amassed a certain body of work through sheer longevity, but like the Rolling Stones, Petty hasn't done anything to make most listeners' jeans too tight in about twenty years. Not to mention that Thornton has done a lot of critically acclaimed work in a lot of movies, where Petty has a bit part on King of the Hill. Not an especially astute comparison, even for a cracker named Billy Bob.

Still, it's always good fun to watch C-list celebs get douchey beyond their proper spot in the food chain. He might as well have screamed indignantly, "Don't you know who I used to be?!?" The bragging rights from banging Angelina Jolie for a couple years must have worn off by now.

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