Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabag Nation

I suppose unemployable malcontents need something to do besides drink and breed, so what better way to stagger in public and bray their ignorance than to teabag their mascot? I trust that none of these peoplefucking morons have ever utilized any government service whatsoever, since they and theirs valiantly haul their own freight through life. Yup, no grandparents drawing Social Security, no kids in public schools, no family members drawing unemployment insurance. Why can't we all be as perfect as this sainted crowd of sanctimonious dipshits?

When it comes to observing the misfortune that's befallen my countrymen, I continue to veer between sympathy and contempt. As far as I can tell, Mencken was an optimist. What this country could really use is a deadly plague, one that targets the stupid and hypocritical, which appears to be every single braying jackass at these damned things. Till then, it is somewhat amusing to watch them teabag each other over and over and over again.

Even if it is starting to get kinda gay.

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