Saturday, May 23, 2009

Family Matters

I wonder why Helpy Halperin and the rest of his idiot claque never bother to ask Mary Cheney to shill for her father's brilliant plans to wreck the world. Or hell, maybe someone who isn't related to the Dickster could be consulted for expert analysis. Why not put the Lizard (or Sisters-lovin' mama Lynne) up against Michelle Obama then? Catfight!

It's as if it never occurred to any of these brain surgeons that Darth is just using them to drum up a fat advance fee for his tell-nothing memoir, sure to be a dismal apologia for a career of foul deeds from one of our more notorious wasters of life and limb. Hope it comes in two-ply. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- the continued existence of Richard Bruce Cheney (and the rest of that lot) is proof enough that karma is just wishful thinking.

This is yet another of those little things I alluded to recently, one of those Hume's Paradox deals where the objects of misery are actually the enablers of their tormentor. Just as pro-life rallies don't exist without the help of women, just as teabagger putsches don't roll without a generous helping of fools who suck off the public tit every chance they get (whether they realize it or not), Dick Cheney cannot continue to darken our airwaves with his self-serving calumniations, except with the smiling assistance of so-called journamalists.

May they all lose their jobs, every damned one of them. They're not just part of the problem, they're most of it.

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