Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm a Narcissistic, Talentless Asshole -- Take My Picture!

Possibly the only thing more irritating than incessant media coverage of useless people who are famous only for being well-known is when that same media complains about how "contrived" they are. Well, no fucking shit, Columbo, and the fact that these "professionals" cultivated the situation tells you everything about their skill level and usefulness. There's two reasons these retards are famous -- those minivans parked on Heidi's chest. So show 'em or fuck off already, Sweet Cheeks. [Update: Well, there ya go. I'm surprised it took her this long, but I guess she had to let that music career play out first. What's the over/under on Kate Gosselin getting in on that shark-jumping airbrush pictorial action, maybe a year?]

Frankly, I think it'd be doing the world a big favor if Spencer and Heidi got lost in the jungle before they have a chance to pollute the world with their twisted seed. Failing that, maybe the TMZ wannabes that clutter up the mediaverse could stand to take a big chug out of the STFU cup. Of course, that would necessitate them getting real jobs.

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