Sunday, June 14, 2009

Psycho Asshole, Qu'est-ce Que C'est

Not to be a fanatic on the issue of animal rights, but I don't think it's a stretch to say that the sociopaths who thrill-kill strays and pets are a bare half-step above child molesters and pillowcase rapists. And I'll even go out on a limb and say that prison rape is wrong, m'kay, but this goddamned freak tests that principle, and gee, it'd be a real shame if he got buttfucked to death and torn open with a sharpened toothbrush in lockup.

Better yet, take him to the zoo and toss him in the tiger or lion pit. Seriously. The little fucker's even smirking in his arrest photo, because he thinks this shit is funny. People like this should just be ended; they are never worth the trouble to rehabilitate or warehouse. We keep hearing how the planet's overcrowded, and one way to stem that might be to start with this hump.


  1. A smirking, soft-faced little cherub like that is going to be the belle of the ball in C-Block. Especially when they find out he's the infamous Meow-Mix Murderer...oh yes Junior, I'm sure the boys will think that cat killing is so very butch. I'd be willing to wager that smile drops when he realizes that he isn't headed to juvy, but real-life grown-up ass-fucking jail.

  2. Precisely because of that, a judge may decide to sentence him to some alternative form of punishment. He's already a sociopath; have him spend a year or two being passed around by prison thugs, and he'll come out a soft-spoken, unpredictable killer of people.

    Why don't we bring back hard labor? These assholes don't do anybody any good vegetating in prison year after year, with expensive security infrastructure to keep them safe from each other. And god knows America's highways and bridges could use a lot of work. I bet the last thing a hundred inmates returning to their cells after 10 hours digging dirt feel like doing is hurting each other. Everybody wins.

  3. He's already a sociopath; have him spend a year or two being passed around by prison thugs, and he'll come out a soft-spoken, unpredictable killer of people.

    He's already heading down that path, but I'm all for bringing back hard labor and wearing them out.

    As a more general observation about the decrepit state of the American penal system, a major overhaul is obviously long overdue. They aren't doing an effective enough job in sorting between the ones who actually can be rehabilitated, and the ones who really are no fucking good and will never get better. Not that that's an easy job, but there has to be a better way.

  4. Sooner or later, people are going to have to figure out that keeping worthless douchebags like him around just isn't worth our (tax-paid or otherwise) resources.

    On that day, there will be a great general outcry while I bake a cake.

    Personally, I like the zoo idea, he probably won't survive the experience, AND the big kitties get a tasty snack.
