Saturday, August 08, 2009

My Daily Misanthropy

I've said it before and I'll say it yet again -- there are days when I actually wish their paranoid fantasies were true, if only because it would definitionally mean less of their whinging, cringing, tedious bullshit. They string words together without bothering to learn the meaning, and they rail against imaginary nazis while studiously ignoring the real ones among and around them. If this isn't a group that needs to be curbed from further inbreeding, I don't know what would qualify.

But more to the point -- they quite deserve the miserable health-care/employment/education/infrastructure they so avidly desire, which is the one we all currently have. I am tired of reading anecdotes about so-and-so's sister/aunt/senile grampa who collects SSI and Medicare, hasn't held (or even looked for) a job in fifteen years, and goes to teabagger parties to rail against The Man. Do us all a favor and fucking pull the plug on yourselves already. Or whatever. Go John Galt, get off the grid, do what y'all keep threatening to do. It'll work out better for everyone.

But the day someone, say, uses their infant's stroller to hold up some offensively ignorant "protest" sign that doesn't remotely mean what they think it means, they definitely deserve to have their goofball dreams come to pass. See you in the concentration camp!

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