Sunday, October 04, 2009

Loved To Death

The Olympics are an overrated, overcommercialized event anyway, but the fact of the matter is that the wingnuts are precisely what they insisted they despised just a couple years ago. Anyone who criticized the Cheney junta, no matter how well justified, got their words twisted into some variation of "wanting America to fail", though that was obviously not the case.

But these fuckers, they quite openly admit that their fondest wish is for Obama to fail. I submit that this is true regardless of the specific issue at hand. They would rather have more foreclosures and more job losses than an economic recovery, because that would make Obama look bad. They would love to rope-a-dope the Democrats into getting stuck in some sort of military action in Iran, because it would endanger American soldiers, and kill many thousands of Iranian civilians, and thus make Obama look bad. It's not a stretch to assume that they'd love another 9/11, because....well, you know.

They love them some America. Just ask them, they can't tell you too quickly or frequently. The shrill, wheedling insistence of their plaints should be a dead giveaway as to their general mindset. They just hate American citizens, clearly, since not only do they openly wish for the indisputably elected leader of the majority to fail miserably, they gladly accept the very real consequences that failure would have for millions of people, for average families across the country. That's the cost of doing business, the price they have to pay to get more suckers on their demagoguery wagon.

The thing is, like Bobo, these guys are just in it for the money, for the most part. They just cash the checks and don't bother with the notion that there really are morons out there who take them seriously and believe their schticky agitprop. It's troubling to consider the potential consequences of this ever more reflexive dynamic, this lurch toward violent rhetoric and toxic imagery. Nothing good can come of it.

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