Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You Go, Girls!

Which is more hi-larious -- show ponies who have never pretended to read a book now each pretending to write one, or the squarest, most establishment dingbats on the planet trying to convince everyone that they're rebels? Then again, it's been my experience that the churchier broads put out just as easily as the women they look down on.

Can't wait for the Palin Oprahfest -- never put it past a bien pensant limo lib to give the people who despise them every possible opportunity to rehabilitate their image. Don't know if Oprah has some deal going with Harper Collins, but they have donated her book club picks to libraries in the past (as have other publishers). In the vertically integrated, incestuous worlds of publishing and broadcasting, it's nearly impossible to tell -- or even need -- an explicit quid pro quo.

Regardless, I think it's terrific that Going RugRogue is already 70% off. By the time it's released, it'll already be in the cutout bin with Becktard's latest iteration of Mein Kampf. (I recommend Letterman have his stagehands read excerpts from it, the way they used to do with Oprah transcripts.) And it could be interesting to see how Prejean managed to milk 256 pages out of her seven minutes in the sun, without at least 200 pages of bikini shots for her "readers" to skeet across. Big print and wide margins are a given, as Kanye West amply demonstrates.

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