Sunday, January 10, 2010

Schmidt Happens

It's always great when a disgruntled operative airs dirty laundry.

Sarah Palin believed that Sen. John McCain chose her to be his running mate in 2008 because of "God's plan," according to a top political strategist in the Arizona Republican's campaign.

In an interview with the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes," Steve Schmidt described Palin as "very calm -- nonplussed" after McCain met with her at his Arizona ranch just before putting her on the Republican ticket. McCain had planned to name Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., as his vice presidential choice until word leaked, sparking what Schmidt called political blowback over picking the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee.

Schmidt said he asked Palin about her serenity in the face of becoming "one of the most famous people in the world." He quoted her as saying, "It's God's plan."

It's too easy to point out that Palin is either a barking loon, a raving moron, or a cynical opportunist (or some combination thereof). The sick part is that some of the target audience for this article will read it unironically and nod their heads at Saint Sarah's affirmation. It doesn't occur to them that if that's "God's plan", then He's running this thing even worse than Al Davis runs the Raiders. The Big Guy needs a GM, and pronto.

Schmidt credited Palin with being a quick study and for giving a great speech at the Republican convention in St. Paul, Minn., but he said it soon became clear that she often was not accurate in her remarks.

By "being a quick study", obviously Schmidt means "able to memorize and regurgitate standard talking points, albeit with great effort and syntactic awkwardness". By "not accurate", he, who are we kidding? She's an idiot, pure and simple. Schmidt knows better, and has to have a shit-eating grin just to utter such a preposterous phrase.

Even after a full year in the spotlight, with nothing but time to prepare, Sarah Palin is still catastrophically unqualified for any national office. That's not mean, it just is. Most people are, it's just that most people aren't telegenic enough to bamboozle millions of slack-jawed yokels into buying into this fucking nonsense.

Schmidt conceded that had Palin not been on the ticket, "our margin of defeat would've been greater than it would've been otherwise."

Well, yeah, they did better than they would have with Lieberputz, whom Republiclowns and conservatards put up with for his apostasy, but despise nearly as much as the other side does. But so what? They might have done even better with Carrie Prejean as a running mate, at least until the masturbation videos came out.

As bad as the Dummycrats are -- and christ, they are fucking awful -- the Republitards are an endless mine for comedy gold. I'm surprised Lincoln's shade hasn't risen to renounce any association or mention with these shameless reprobates.


  1. Hey Wood J!

    your third quotebox is supposed to be: "Schmidt said that, to her credit, McCain would have done even worse without her.

    I try not to read Palin crap. sometimes I fail.

    that must be God's plan for me.

  2. The god that planned it -- would that be the god of mercy who asks that we stone to death people who don't observe the sabbath?

    "And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day."
    "They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day ... and the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones."
    "And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation."
    "And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him."
    "And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp."
    "And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses."

  3. "able to memorize and regurgitate standard talking points, albeit with great effort and syntactic awkwardness". By "not accurate", he, who are we kidding? She's an idiot, pure and simple.

    Damn if it that doesn't sound like Dubya as well. And remember, both Dubya and Palin are compulsive winkers. Must be some neuro-syntactical arcing going on there.

  4. Fixed the last quote box. Thanks for catching that, Joe. As I always say, the sixth Long Island Iced Tea is usually the one that gets ya.

  5. Sarah was brought in because she's a fuckin' MILF. No other reason. If she was having conversations with door handles, the Repubs didn't care, because she did what they wanted her to do, pitch a tent in every pair of Republican and Democrat jeans from NYC to LA. And she did just that. Unfortunately, she opened her mouth and spoke.
