Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Super Bowl Shuffle

I think it's swell that Rod and Maud Flanders are exercising their free-speech rights and James Dobson's wallet. Good for them. Can't help but wonder, though, what the reaction would be from the Flanderses, and the folks they're dog-whistling to, if Planned Parenthood were to run a pro-choice ad. You might suddenly hear about how people just want to watch a damned football game. It's precious and obnoxious and completely uncalled for; other than that, I'd have a hell of a time figuring out how to care any less.

A small but niggling question: what exactly is the deal with a loudly-proclaimed evangelical (and proud virgin) spending his college career at the nation's top party school? Seriously. The kid lives by his principles, and I can respect that, even if the notion of a chaste college football player surrounded by horny coeds is incomprehensible to me.

But it points to the fact that all the top college programs are party schools, in which case it's either a moral compromise or a spiritual test for Tebow. But modern Christianity in all its stripes is mostly about getting your way while pretending that the mean ol' snakepit of a world is keeping you down. Yeah. Someday a person of faith will be allowed to rise to higher office, and talk about their sky-buddy on the public's dime, yada yada. Till then, they walk the iron path.

Whatever. The most interesting thing about Tebow will the rude awakening he's going to get when the Rams draft him and he finds out the hard way that you can't run the shotgun formation every single play.


  1. A small but niggling question: what exactly is the deal with a loudly-proclaimed evangelical (and proud virgin) spending his college career at the nation's top party school?

    Hey, you can't call questions "niggling" anymore. They prefer to be called Trivial-American now.

  2. With any luck, the Ma Tebow ad will get sammiched between an ad for Cialis and an ad for Viagra.

  3. Nancy in Detroit2/2/10, 11:51 AM

    From your mouth to dog's ear, Grace.
