Monday, February 15, 2010

Plunging to New Depths

Should we all chip in a nickel or something, and buy a card to let this dipshit know that his fifteen minutes were up a year ago, that he's the political version of Heidi Montag?

"John McCain is no public servant," Wurzelbacher told the gathering, Detrow reports.

He then reportedly went on to announce that his enmity towards the 2008 GOP presidential candidate is so high that he no longer backs Sarah Palin -- because she is supporting the Arizona Republican’s re-election bid.

Not sure who's dumber here -- Sam the Plunger, if he thinks McCain and Palin really give half a shit what he says about anything, or the people for whom this clown's presence was motivation to attend. It's like getting an endorsement from a cartoon character.

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