Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crazy Trained

As brutally flawed as the fox-in-henhouse health-care clusterfuck is, the fact that it gets these troglodytes all riled up is proof that at least it's a step in the right direction. You know, back in the good ol' days when the Cheney regime was in charge and the land of milk and honey was populated by rainbows and unicorns, it was annoying and unhelpful enough to see the "Bushitler" placards. These clowns show with no argument or counter-proposals, just a brick in one hand and a fistful of "nigger" and "faggot" epithets in the other. Maybe someone can translate the Horst Wessel Song into Hicklish for them, so's they have something to chant while the effigies are burning.

And again, unlike both Chimpy McHitlerburton seizures of the throne, there is not and will never be any debate about the legitimacy of Obama's electoral blowout. It's his own damned fault that he's managed to piss all that away in less than 18 months, but the fact of the matter is that he won fair and square, and these goobers would prefer to govern by tantrum and slur. I've spent years noting what sore winners they always were, and am not at all surprised that they're even worse losers.

As always, they can go straight to hell; with any luck every one of these losers will have to contend with a serious, financially catastrophic health crisis befalling a loved one, and maybe they'll finally start to learn a thing or two about what they think they're protesting. Or, you know, not. If any of these bozos have learned anything more profound than which foods they can deep-fat fry, they have yet to demonstrate it with any reliability.

It's a very strange dynamic to contemplate -- an industry whose revenue model is explicitly predicated on not providing the service for which they've already been paid, can count their most vulnerable victims as their most vocal supporters, for free at that. Weirder still, some of these morons think it's actually a gun-control debate. They deserve what they get, good and hard and none too soon.

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