Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm not sure the English language contains words sufficient enough to convey the sheer contempt I have for these fools. Oh sure, there's always the reliable stream of inventive expletives, but sometimes circumstances call for something special. The too-clever-by-half sign held at half-mast by the addled crone in the photo exemplifies this need. Seriously, le mot juste, granny.

What freedom, one might hesitatingly ask this senile cow, has Barry O taken or threatened to take, that was not already at risk by the previous regime? Is he taking away your Murder She Wrote marathons or something? Precisely how and why is it that you people chose this particular moment to get riled up about creeping corporatism and state power? They're a bunch of Rip van Winkle types -- it's as if they fell asleep under a tree during the Eisenhower administration, and suddenly woke up, engaged with this befuddled yet passionate engagement. Maybe their nee-grow sensor is hooked up to their clapper, and the damned kids on their lawn set it off.

Whatever. They're a bunch of jerkoffs, completely detestable, not the least for their hypocrisy. Any time one of these human prunes is photographed "protesting", preening with some bullshit sign about their freedom to be a public jackass, the question needs to be asked, perhaps even by the journamalist giving them free coverage -- are you on Medicare, do you collect Social Security? Are you in any way, shape, or form receiving aid from the big ol' eeevil gubmint? If so, then kindly go fuck yourself. Hard.

I have yet to see, hear, or read about a single teabagger coherently defend or elucidate any of their "principles", and it's not for lack of trying to find an honest protester. The fact of the matter is that Obama, as a member of the center-right wing of the Corporate Party, has upheld almost all the policies of his universally-loathed predecessor, who hailed from the far-right wing of the Corporate Party. There is legitimate protest to be found and mined here, and somehow these obtuse individuals have failed, and continue to fail, to see it right in front of their gin-blossomed noses.

Worse yet, their name doesn't even make sense. They're not the pseudo-patriots they think they are. Here's the thing, you goddamned retards -- the Boston Tea Party was organized to protest taxation without representation. You, on the other hand, have elected representation. You may not like it, you may disagree with it, you may rant and rave about it even as you sell off your fungible assets in order to hoard gold because Glenn Beck told you to, but you do have duly elected representatives. There was an election, it was in all the papers and everything. They don't represent your interests, true enough, but mostly you just don't like how it turned out. Your name, dear morons, doesn't mean what you think it means. Epic fucking fail, assholes.

If it were up to me, I'd set these hypocritical codgers out on an ice floe, reminding them of their ultimate destiny as a steamy pile of polar bear shit. Failing that, I'd settle for the media asking them some questions and forcing them to elaborate on their oh-so-brilliant placards once in a great while. Collecting government largesse while simutaneously bitching about it should be an instant disqualifier from the debate, at the very least.

1 comment:

  1. Bob Hopeless3/18/10, 5:47 PM

    You nailed it. The most amazing fact of this Tea Party bullshit is the complete reliance of many of them on government payouts. What they really hate, in a time of scarcity caused by the people they voted for in cahoots with the people they respect the most, is the idea that anybody they don't like, and especially a dark person is getting something as well. Oh, and a n-gger is President.But no one will call them on any of this.

    I can hardly believe I live in a time when almost no media time would be devoted to examining half the claims of these assclowns. Another example of institutional rot that is almost breathtaking in its immensity.
