Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Allah Hates You

This is a great story, but it will have a terrible ending.

A Saudi woman whose male friend collapsed on being questioned by a member of the notorious morality police (the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) snapped, and laid a beating on the religious cop. The cop went to hospital with bruises, the woman faces prison and lashings.

Maybe the women could rise up en masse and stab them all in the goddamned neck. That would be a good start. Or a bikini sit-in, though these animals aren't messing around, so that would be needlessly dangerous.

Maybe it wasn't such a hot idea for the British and Americans to empower the most regressive, ass-backwards knuckle-draggers in the vicinity when they wanted a poke at Arabia's oil. Talk about buyer's remorse.

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