Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mock the Vote

The curious case of Alvin Greene seems to be one of those "even weirder than you think" deals, doesn't it? After catching his mesmerizing performance on Olbermann the other night, it's impossible not to be intrigued by this mushmouthed, chuckleheaded cipher. Whatever the deal is with this guy and how he got here, you just know it's gotta be good.

But if you want to be pissed at somebody, be pissed at the Democratic party and its minions and mechanisms. What kind of half-assed organization lets an unemployed felon in as its representative in a senatorial campaign? Least they can do is find him a job. Greene looks like he could hold a door open on a windy day, if not much more than that.

No doubt this has more than a little to do with the state itself, and its, let's say, creative approach to political shenanigans. This is, after all, the state with a philandering governor who refused to resign gracefully, not to mention a slack-jawed livestock-molesting galoot of a state senator who called both Nikki Haley and Barack Obama "ragheads". Although the notion of Greene being a Republican plant seems a bit simplistic; even if they had any actual need for a plant in a campaign that should be a cakewalk for them, it wouldn't be this guy.

Perhaps Greene can take a hike up the Appalachian Trail, and find at least one (1) intelligible answer to any given question, such as, "How exactly does someone with no job and no campaign donations come up with $10,440 for a filing fee?"

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