Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Notes and Errata

A rarity, but I must quibble with Ed ever so slightly -- the right's martyr complex is hardly "latent". It's pretty much the only card they bother playing anymore, and it was a marked deck to begin with.

Check out the comments in this here article about Hugo Chàvez' latest brush with populist despotism. It's like reading a series of sidewalk sandwich boards, each one nuttier than the last. I'm half-surprised one of them didn't claim to have sucked Obama's Moooslim cock (under dire financial duress, of course, wrought by long years of communist oppression under Stalinbama's iron fist) in exchange for Victory Gin ration coupons and half a pack of generic smokes. Perhaps the encroaching moans from the hapless hitchhikers in these losers' basement sex dungeons prevented them from elaborating further. Maybe they took a break to molest the neighbor's collie, who knows?

Either way, we are apparently precious seconds from scavenging grass and bark in the nearest public park for our Dear Leader dinner soup, because Obammy is about to take a cue from Comrade Hugo and overtake Nabisco or Kraft or something, and cut off the all-you-can-eat buffets everywhere. Just ask 'em, they'll tell ya. Over and over again.

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