Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Ahahahaha. Even for bullshit debates, the true believers just can't help themselves. Cupcake O'Donnell wastes no time in going for the meat-and-taters talkin' points, since most everything else is past her grasp:

"My opponent wants to go to Washington and rubber-stamp failed spending bills," she said. "This is wrong. Uncle Sam needs to be cut off."

She also wondered about Coons' patriotism. "If you've ever questioned whether America is a beacon of freedom and justice, then he's your guy."

OK, the first part, while hackneyed (as if Republitards don't spend other people's money like water), still has a debatable point in it -- either spending is rampant and wasteful, and needs to be cut across the board, or people just don't want their spending ox getting gored, and before you know it, nothing gets cut. That is a point that can be debated.

But there is no sensible, logical jump that takes you from that to impugning Coons' belief in American virtue, presumably over his sarcastically-titled "Bearded Marxist" thesis. It's just weak, even for someone who's spent most of their adult life campaigning against the perils of masturbation and homosexuality.

Asked about evolution, which O'Donnell has said she believes is a myth, she said the question was "irrelevant." When pushed by Wolf Blitzer, a CNN anchor who was one of the moderators, she said: "Local schools should make that decision."

Friends 'n' neighbors, if you need to ask why China and India are drinking our collective milkshake, there's your answer.

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