Friday, October 01, 2010

Dirty Sanchez

Oh my. Well, that's just great -- who's going to read viewer tweets throughout the lunch hour for the Cable, um, News Network? I mean, Nancy Grace and her twelve chins can't be everywhere all at once, can they?

Mr. Stewart has made jokes about Mr. Sanchez more than 20 times in the last five years, according to a search of the show’s Web site. Or as Mr. Sanchez put it, “You watch yourself on his show every day and all they ever do is call you stupid.”

And yet Sanchez still persists in being stupid. It does not -- can not -- occur to someone like Sanchez that maybe he is foolish, does and says things deserving of ridicule with enough regularity to merit some attention every so often. Ah, the price paid for greatness, no?

To the extent that Sanchez is "offensive", it's not the lame attempt at Jew-baiting, so much as the histrionic crap he trucks in, sensationalism, intellectual dishonesty, bad-faith arguments, etc. That and the complete lack of self-awareness he oozes from every pore -- like every corporate media whore, Sanchez does not realize that he doesn't really do anything special, that there are literally thousands of bubble-heads with a fresh communications degree who can do exactly what he did, and will smoke every pole that swings in their faces just for the opportunity. Reading the news does not require talent; it merely requires the determined belief that your shit don't stink.

The over/under for Sanchez to re-appear at Faux Noise, nursing the usual librul-media grievances for a different claque of mouth-breathers, is three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. As a half-Jewish ex-librarian who works in a mostly Hispanic (or "Latino" -- whichever word you prefer) community with Hispanic lawyers, accountants, engineers, project managers, data entry clerks and supervisors, systems analysts, cafeteria ladies, actors, computer programmers/coders, and instructional designers -- in short, a real cross-section of society, many of whom are good friends and admired co-workers -- let me just say this: Rick Sanchez is an idiot. That's not because he's Hispanic. It's because he's a total tool.
