Monday, October 31, 2011

Booty Call

Yeah, it's a real shock that Long Dong SilverHerman Cain turns out to be a sexual serial harasser. (Right, alleged, falsely accused and unfairly maligned. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger.)

The real curiosity here is that, while Cain has been surging -- throbbing, if you will (and you might) -- in the (ahem) polls for the last month, this just now comes out. Accusations and settlements from fifteen years ago taking a month to see light, in the age of 30-second Google hunts.

If you didn't know better, you might narrow it down to one of two rather unseemly assumptions: one, that our intrepid corporate media would take weeks to find its own collective ass in a dark room with both hands and a flashlight; or two, that whoever's been bankrolling this dog-and-pony show from behind the scenes finally decided to pull the blessed plug.

Either Rick Perry suddenly discovered oppo research, in between hits of ecstasy and paint thinner in New Hampshire, or the Koch Brothers finally decided to drop 185 pounds of dead weight. They're obscenely wealthy for a reason, and at least part of that reason is that they realize that there's not much percentage in bankrolling certifiably batshit candidates.

Expect Jon Huntsman to receive an anonymous manila envelope stuffed with photos of either Perry or Romney in a compromising position with: a dead girl, a live boy, a terrified farm animal, or each other. Such a moral dilemma!

1 comment:

  1. It's still interesting to watch and see if the beast -- the mouthbreathing beast -- can be brought back into the cage. if it's the Kochsuckers, the assumption would be that bringing to light Cain's shit will be enough to sink him -- but that presumes that majority voters in the Repuke primary are sane (though still sociopathic) and would back away from a batshit creep. Well, it doesn't look that way -- Cain is, if not soaring, at least neck and neck with Willard "Willard" Romney. Which creates another dilemma, besides the one you raised: how does one sell a sane (though soulless) hack on the national stage, when it requires selling that hack to feces-flinging lunatics first?

    Interesting times, eh.
