Saturday, May 12, 2012

Porn Again

Not only is it hi-larious that America's porniest city is in the shadow of Disney World, but that well over half of the top 20 cities are in deep red states, right through the bible belt.

As always, draw your own conclusions.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my trivially easy conclusion: if you gotta live in those shitholes, you can either end up blowing your brains out from tedium; or you can spend the rest of your meaningless life in Raleigh, NC watching some exploited women fake the joy of being DPed.

    The survey yields some indirect evidence that people in red states continue to be more imbecilic than the rest of us: who buys their porn on DVD these days any more?

    I was bemused to see San Diego in the top 20, though. There's better things to do in SD than watch porn. Sacramento, though, is a different matter.
