Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vulture/Voucher 2012

Inspired by Balloon Juice's coinage and commenter Ralph Baldwin's excellent slogan way down in comments for Charles Pierce's scathing takedown of Ryan, I slapped together a quick mock-up (using clip art found on the intartubez) of what a bumper sticker might look like.

Maybe someone should start a design/caption/slogan contest.

1 comment:

  1. I like it.

    I'd pay $3 for one if you were to sell them.

    Or for any of these favorites:

    Republicans are the Problem.

    Burn Limbaugh at the Stake.

    Republicans don't give a Damn about you.

    Reward Selfishness: vote Republican

    Fox News makes me Stupid

    Bail out the Rich on the Backs of the Poor.
