Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Modest Proposal

So, uh, what if we tell this goofball that AIG wants to take away his guns, get rid of a couple of useless headaches?

Seriously, though, I don't think guys like James Yeager and Alex Jones quite get how their rather incoherent bluster tends to undermine their own arguments. Most people, regardless of their political bent, tend to feel that some sort of balance can be struck -- on the one hand, the Second Amendment does mean something, and just from a practical standpoint, it would be impossible to disarm everyone even if that were a desirable outcome; on the other, the idea of some these foaming-at-the-mouth "enthusiasts" packing heat makes my balls shrivel up.

I've used plenty of guns over the years, including assault rifles, including high-capacity magazines. They're fun. So are cars, so are drugs -- which, in case they haven't noticed, are regulated and controlled. These are dangerous things, and part of the social compact is that we take at least modest, token steps to ensure that psychopaths should not be able to easily obtain dangerous things. It should be more difficult to get a 30-round clip for a handgun, or hollow-point bullets, than to drive a car or purchase Sudafed.

What this issue begs for is a sense of balance, and so far the loudest pro-gun voices seem to be anything but balanced. They don't seem to understand the concept of profoundly disagreeing with somebody without wanting to murder them.

If gun enthusiasts are serious about protecting their Jebus-given rights to open-carry Stinger missiles to the fucking mall, then maybe finding a spokesperson capable of something beyond "me want toy or me kill! kill! kill!!1!!" would help their cause a bit. Because with guys like Yeager, who seriously seemed to think he could just sanitize his death-threat video (and then presumably claim that the lefty-librul media took his patriotism out of context), they're gonna find themselves shit outta luck before long.

Sometimes your best move, when you've talked yourself into a deeper hole than when you started, is to just cross your fingers, say a few pretend mea culpas, and shut the fuck up.

Also, too. Fuckin' merc. Figures.

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