Monday, March 25, 2013

Moar Katz (and Dawg)

OK, kids, here are a couple more photos of our anipals:

In the above photo, Dexter the giant kitten catches up on some light reading.
The cat above is Chucky, about 12 or 13 years old.

Finally, the dog, Poppie, 13 years old and chugging along:

It occurs to me that aside from Dexter, we're basically running a rest home for elderly animals.


  1. L to R, this is Cole, our Malshi, and Princess, a Shiatzu. they are 8 months and 1 year, respectively. We're hoping for a few very fluffy puppies in the near future...

  2. Very cute puppies! Never seen a Malshi before, he looks like he's going to end up larger than the other one!

  3. A Malshi is half Maltese, half Shiatzu, and yeah he's kind of a bear, lol. My Lady likes to breed dogs, and we plan for these two to be parents soon :) - We used to have a number of dogs and cats, like you do, but we've cut back to just the two. We DID find homes for everyone, though, no worries!
