Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mockalypse Update

Just about done reformatting Mockalypse for Kindle. It should be posted at Amazon and ready for action before the end of the weekend (there is typically a 12-hour waiting period between when you submit the book file, and when it is published with its own page). The extended Assholes of 2012 post is also being published, as a $.99 Kindle Single, and retitled 12 in '12.

So far the Kindle Direct Publishing is very easy to use, so if you have some great stories itching to be published, and your doctor can't prescribe an ointment [Ed.:  Hi-yoooo!], I recommend giving it a shot. KDP Select is an exclusive deal, however, so the PDF file at the Mockalypse site is suspended indefinitely.

KDP allows for 5-day free promos, so once the page links are up and running, and I have the free promos up and tested, the links will be posted here. If you didn't grab a PDF download before, I hope you'll consider grabbing one or both of the Kindle files. Again, the free promo should run for five days (shooting for April 1-5), I will post details once everything's going, hopefully by Monday (an appropriate enough day for that sort of nonsense, coincidentally enough).

Even if you previously downloaded the Mockalypse PDF, I am requesting that you download both of the Kindle files. The download hits will generate ranking, which will turn into sales once the promo is over. Better yet, if you have the time, post a review -- be honest, do not feel like you have to be nice. If it sucks, say so, just be complete and say why it sucks. The main thing is getting some word of mouth. I will be spamming open threads on other blogs as opportunities arise, and I hope some of you will be kind enough have enough time on your hands to spread the word far and wide.

I have another couple of projects (which have nothing to do with anything here) underway and/or nearing completion, which I'll write about here in the upcoming weeks, as they become ready for prime time. I've quoted Doug Rushkoff before, about the goal for the modern microeconomy (P2P)being ecological in nature (especially with technological advancements spurring more innovation and better quality projects and products). This is where I think that theory gets tested, and the results will be interesting no matter what. Stay tuned.

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