Sunday, March 10, 2013

Who Are the Brain Police?

OK, Gilberto Valle is a disgusting bastard, and at the very least should not be a police officer. But you can read through the entire article, and still ot be completely sure of what exactly Valle is being charged with. (Conspiracy to commit kidnapping and murder, for the record.) If he had simply written a narrative around his sick fantasies, he'd either be a late-coming Hollywood torture-porn auteur, or a bestselling Kindle author.

This is not Minority Report, and we do not have people who can pre-cog with certainty the eventual commission of a crime, no matter how awful the potential. Without even any equipment being purchased, or any money to potential partners being exchanged, it's hard to justify completely wrecking someone's life -- and possibly putting them in prison for the rest of their life -- because of their twisted internet posts.

I'm not even going to invoke the slippery slope argument, but if you're going to bust Valle, then you need to bust everyone he talked to, everyone he "plotted" with, everyone lurking on these sick fetish sites. Which actually might not be a bad idea, not that they should be imprisoned for conspiracy for kidnapping or murder, but if a person or animal is being harmed for their "entertainment" purposes, then bust them for that.

This is a tough one. Valle's activities should make any decent person sick to their stomachs. But unless the participants in his fetish videos were actually harmed, he's not guilty of any crime, and it sets a dangerous precedent to prosecute him as such.

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