Sunday, April 07, 2013

Get the Frack Out

The fracking mishegoss is quite simple to resolve -- if you support it, even in theory, you should be willing to rent out your backyard for it, then. Enjoy the sinkholes and poisoned water table. This is the biggest ripoff; they're going to pollute and wreck these towns and poison the inhabitants, and scuttle off with the profits, while the taxpayers foot the bill for the environmental cleanup and health-care costs.

This is wretchedly similar to the arguments surrounding the viability of the Keystone XL pipeline. Let's break that one down to exactly what it is -- an expensive, unwieldy system designed to move low-EROEI oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico to be exported. It does nothing for domestic energy stability, it merely puts more money in the pockets of the have-mores, at the expense of the people who have live near its 1,500-mile length.

But the precious few jobs it creates for a couple years is better than nothing at all, right? Especially when everyone else will foot the eventual cleanup bill.

1 comment:

  1. In the lastweek or so, there were pipeline breaks in Arkansas and Minnesota. Will this be enough to hold off the fracking? Stay tuned...
