Sunday, April 07, 2013

Mockalypse / 12 in '12 Free Kindle Promo Update

I've set up free promos this week for Mockalypse and 12 in '12 at the Kindle Store. (The books will normally sell for $3.99 and 99 cents, respectively.) The 12 in '12 promo starts tomorrow morning and runs through Friday, and the Mockalypse promo will start Tuesday and run through Saturday. I will post links later tonight, when I've tested the 12 in '12 download link and have confirmed that the free promo has begun.

As I mentioned before, even if you already downloaded the PDF version of Mockalypse before, please take a minute and grab the free Kindle versions. What we're seeking here is ranking on the list, and every download will help immensely. Tell someone you know who might like the books. If you have the time, leave a review -- good or bad, as they say, as long as you spell the name right.

And if you didn't get the PDF when it was offered, I hope you'll give Mockalypse a try. Yes, it is a collection of posts from last year, but each post has a little intro written for it, so there is actually some new material there. I've been doing a lot of research on self-publishing over the last year, and it will be really interesting to see how this goes. It was fun and educational for me to put these books together.

So one more time (until I post again later tonight):  Please download both books. Please tell anyone you think might be interested. Spam open threads at other sites if need be (I will be doing that also, but I can only hit so many). Leave reviews at the Amazon pages.


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