Monday, April 08, 2013

Mockalypse for Kindle

Check out the free promo week for 12 in '12 (Monday 4/8 through Friday 4/12) and Mockalypse (4/9-13). If you have Amazon Prime you can borrow both books from the Kindle lending library for free at any time. I'll fix the ad widget at the top right of the page soon as I figure out what the deal is with it, but the link works. If you don't own a Kindle, you can get the Kindle for PC app for free.

Even if you downloaded the Mockalypse PDF back when it was released in January, please download both of these links during the free promo period. The rankings will help once the promo is done. Tell a friend -- or better yet, a mortal enemy. And if you have the time, feel free to leave a review on the Amazon page.

I'll be posting reminders throughout the promo week, along with my usual nonsense. As always, thanks in advance for your support.


  1. Wrote a review for it on Amazon...hope it's to your liking :)

  2. Yeah, that's awesome, I really appreciate it. Thanks Sean!
