Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Never Forget

Public Shaming is rapidly becoming one of my new favorite things. Who knew that Twitter could provide such a steady compendium of utter stupidity? Best of all, the first Twittard in today's round is none other than good ol' Pat Dollard. Shocking, right?

Calling these bozos on the whole "uh, you do remember that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch" thing doesn't matter to them, since 9/11 was all Clinton's fault anyway. But the dead haven't even been buried yet, have barely even been identified for their families, and you have this human centipede of morons ready to nuke someone, anyone.

It's no wonder we ended up in Iraq so easily, to chase our tails down a rat-hole for a decade, even though none of the 9/11 hijackers came from Iraq, even though no connection between Saddam and 9/11 could be found (and lordy, did they pull every conceivable theory out of their asses). The selective hyperreactions are interesting, though -- we have murder-suicides and spree killings in malls and schools routinely, get a shoulder shrug from this crowd, but now they're primed for genocide, without even knowing who did it. Awesome.

At least their twitterventing means that they're not out actually causing any mischief. Maybe.

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