Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Church of Jesus H. Christ of Latter-Day Aints

I've heard rumors that they have newspapers and such like out in ol' West Virginny (as Stephen Colbert once said about Arkansas:  come for the meth, stay because you sold your car for meth), so you kinda wonder what sort of rock this high school principal lives under. First, that he never got the memo that the abstinence and slut-shaming routine doesn't work (especially in places like WV where, frankly, there's nothing else to do), then that he tried to coerce the student body president over her not attending their bullshit assembling. Gee, I wonder why the smart kids leave these festering hick towns and never look back.

Because yeah, I'm sure Wellesley going to be reeeal pissed that a young woman had the temerity to think and act in her own rational self-interest, rather than kowtowing to what some cornfed religious asshole tried to decide for her.


  1. I just want to live to see this current cycle of resurgent right-wing fucknuttery turn a page. I am beyond sick of it.

  2. Possible Law Case with Georgetown University for Sexism and Racism Discrimination in Enrollment Process

    Brief: A female advisor in the admissions department at Georgetown University has been caught openly admitting that she committed the CRIME of discrimination based on people's race and gender in the application process.

    This has the potential to create a large scale lawsuit against Georgetown University, and with the momentum building at the rate it is building, seems very likely that will be the outcome.

    Below are the main links to all of the information regarding this news story and case.

  3. Sean, I do think we are seeing the page turn, albeit much more slowly than it should or needs to. But the mossbacks are dying off, one by wretched one. The world won't miss 'em.

    But yeah, jesus, can't we accelerate that a bit?
