Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beats Workin'

You have to hand it to the Goopers -- between this nonsense and the Benghazi guff, they've managed to spend a month or so without having to do a single thing to help you, Joe Sucka, make more money or save more money or get a better job or spend less of your money on ever-rising gas and food, etc. And in a couple weeks, they'll take off on summer recess.

But hey, at least they forced Obammy to fire a Bush-appointed bureaucrat who had been with the IRS for 25 years (thus four administrations of both parties), for the high crime of triple-checking the astroturf squids gumming up the public park with their three-cornered hats and their Hoverounds. Folks, the various teabagger/pretend patriot groups did for political activism what herpes did for the dating scene, alright? Let's not beat around the bush here.

The goal of the Republican party, explicitly stated lest you need reminding, is not to develop and implement sensible, utilitarian policies that will benefit the majority of Americans -- it is simply to stymie and obstruct this administration at any and every possible turn. Whether that is accomplished by refusing to work with them or meet them halfway on any proposed legislation or policy, or by making mountains of endless series of molehills, is of no concern. As long as they screw him over, and make it look and sound as if everything is his fault, mission accomplished.

And hey, to a certain extent, it is Obama's fault. At least the Republicans understand what game they're playing. It remains to be seen if the Democrats ever will.


  1. Much as I hate the "both sides" meme, here is how it actually shakes out, imho: What both sides DON'T do, is play 'Who Can Be a Bigger Asshole', because that's what Conservatards do. What the Dummycrats do, is to be complicit with their Assholery, and point fingers back at them (oh, but not too vociferously, oh no, can't have that shit, oh no, HEAVENS TO FUCK NO should a Democrat grow a pair...hear that, Warren and Grayson??). So when it comes to behavior that fucks the average American? You're goddamn right, both sides do it!!

  2. Yep, it's that "ratchet-pawl" dynamic -- the Republicans keep ratcheting more and more to the right, more and more to the ridiculous, and the Democrats serve as the pawl, locking the system in place as it ratchets along, instead of presenting a true countervailing force.
